A few weeks ago, I took a big map of the world and made one of those trip maps using pushpins and red string to get a visual idea of where we're going. It turns out I should have used pushpins and red tape.
We've been making the final preparations for our trip, which includes fun stuff like buying shiny new outdoor gear, but also less-fun stuff like navigating an endless maze of bureaucracy just to convince the countries on our itinerary to let us go spend some money there.
The first visa we got was India, and the process was totally painless. Show up in the morning, pay your $60, come back in the afternoon, bam. Visa. Done. There wasn't even a line! It was a beautiful thing, but it's all been downhill from there. I'll spare you the details, but suffice it to say I get the distinct impression from China and Russia's visa processes that they'd really rather everyone just stop bothering them about getting into their countries.
We've had some huge logistical support from our respective families, and at this point I am confident we'll be able to get all the necessary stamps, stickers and seals before we leave, but man, I will be happy to get 'er done. 12 days to departure!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
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