Saturday, September 13, 2008

Honbasho Sumo Action!

We've got very convenient internet access at our hostel right now, which may not be the case for the next few weeks in Bhutan. The country has no traffic lights. They tried to put one in, but it didn't go over very well. Anyways, we figured we'd keep the updates coming as long as we have access.

Today, we found out that one of Japan's three annual Honbasho, or 15-day ultimate sumo tournaments, starts tomorrow, and the stadium is a 10 minute walk from our hostel. We couldn't turn up the chance to check it out, so we're headed down tomorrow afternoon to catch some top-tier sumo action. Both of the currently active Yokozuna, or supreme sumo champions, will be fighting.

Could be awesome. We'll keep you posted.



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